Back to Weeknotes: New Beginnings at Bureau Architecture
It’s been 15 months since my last (and first) weeknote. That’s far too long, but here we are. This week marks a new beginning as I joined Bureau Architecture, and it feels like the right moment to restart this practice.
Software Engineering in an Ivory Tower?
Last Tuesday, on my 6th day at the government, I took this picture. I sit on the 31st floor in the right tower. Five floors from the top. (Interestingly, there doesn’t seem to be a correlation between floor and status. At least it is not direct or inverse). It looks suspiciously ivory.
Leaving Spotify, joining the Government
I had my last day at Spotify a bit over a month ago. Thanks, everyone for the incredible journey, working alongside such great people and contributing to Spotify Search. It was an enriching experience that will stay with me!
Short SIGIR Paper on Tip-of-the-Tongue Retrieval for Music Accepted!
Our paper When the Music Stops: Tip-of-the-Tongue Retrieval for Music was accepted as a short paper at SIGIR2023! This work was done with Samarth Bhargav (intern at Spotify at the time) and Claudia Hauff. We released a dataset with the paper, a pre-print is available from arXiv.
Joining Spotify
Last week was my last at DPG Media, after a ride of almost 4 years. I’m thankful for the company and the people there (in particular Philippe Remarque, Marten Blankesteijn, Paul Vereijken) that allowed me to do what I did: growing a team focussing on personalization.