CIKM'13 paper accepted
Our paper Evaluating Aggregated Search Using Interleaving with Aleksandr Chuklin, Katja Hofmann, Pavel Serdyukov and Maarten de Rijke was accepted for publication as full paper in CIKM’13. I will present the paper on Tuesday afternoon.
ECIR is coming to Amsterdam in 2014
The hosting of the 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2014) has been awarded to the University of Amsterdam. Tom Kenter is local chair, Maarten de Rijke general chair. As treasurer, I will be responsible for the finances. The new website has just been launched at
WSDM'13 paper accepted
Our paper Reusing Historical Interaction Data for Faster Online Learning to Rank for IR with Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson and Maarten de Rijke was accepted for publication in WSDM’13.
Bart de Goede defended his master thesis
Bart de Goede just successfully defended his master thesis titled: “Sustainable Questions”. A shortened version got published at the Time Aware Information Access Workshop at SIGIR 2012 in Portland, Oregon. Congratulations Bart!
TAIA'12 Workshop paper accepted
Our paper “Sustainable Questions” with Bart de Goede and Maarten de Rijke has been accepted at the Time Aware Information Access workshop at SIGIR’12. Our paper can be found here.