ECIR'14 full paper accepted
Our paper Optimizing Base Rankers Using Clicks: A Case Study using BM25 with Anne Schuth, Floor Sietsma, Shimon Whiteson, and Maarten de Rijke was accepted as a full paper at ECIR 2014.
ECIR'14 short paper accepted
Our paper Effects of Position Bias on Click-Based Recommender Evaluation with Katja Hofmann, Anne Schuth, Alejandro Bellogin, and Maarten de Rijke was accepted as a short paper at ECIR 2014.
Lerot: an Online Learning to Rank Framework
Our demo Lerot: an Online Learning to Rank Framework
with Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson
and Maarten de Rijke was accepted for publication at
the Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation workshop
at CIKM’13.
You can download Lerot from Bitbucket.