
Back to Weeknotes: New Beginnings at Bureau Architecture

It’s been 15 months since my last (and first) weeknote. That’s far too long, but here we are. This week marks a new beginning as I joined Bureau Architecture, and it feels like the right moment to restart this practice.

Software Engineering in an Ivory Tower?

Last Tuesday, on my 6th day at the government, I took this picture. I sit on the 31st floor in the right tower. Five floors from the top. (Interestingly, there doesn’t seem to be a correlation between floor and status. At least it is not direct or inverse). It looks suspiciously ivory.

Leaving Spotify, joining the Government

I had my last day at Spotify a bit over a month ago. Thanks, everyone for the incredible journey, working alongside such great people and contributing to Spotify Search. It was an enriching experience that will stay with me!